Our activities are aimed at meeting specific needs, primarily connecting resources to those who need it most. Our key aim is to create opportunities for people to build supportive peer relationships and interact positively with support services and organisations. Thereby reducing isolation and on Special Educational Needs support, advocacy and knowledge about how to respond to challenges, where to get help if your family needs food and safe places to be together which are friendly and fun.
Supper club is one of the key projects that runs every month with 120 beneficiaries attending where healthy supper is cooked by volunteers. The supper club helps in brining the community together so they can bring a positive change and provides the opportunities to the beneficiaries to increase knowledge sharing around the community so that local people are empowered to become the local experts -knowing where to get support and connecting other people to it, as well themselves.
While having supper the beneficiaries have the opportunity to mix with each other bounce of ideas and share their knowledge and network with the community. The supper club has been so successful that now 120 people attend the club and the number is increasing.