Humanify is involved in various projects to bring a positive change within the community. Some of the projects that we work on are highlighted below. Toys4you is a unique initiative of Humnify that helps fund various projects.

St Michael’s staff work hard to meet the needs of the families they work with but staff capacity and school space were overstretched so they invited Humanify to help them establish a community hub on their school site.  Parents asked school for help with feeding their families and we opened St Michael’s Food Cupboard in response.

Families living in temporary/substandard accommodation and hostels told us they wanted to keep warm and have a safe space to be with their children- so we started a Family Club and Supper Club after school, also a Saturday morning Sports Club.

Parents told us they felt isolated and wanted to have something purposeful to do with their time and we now have 8 local volunteers giving their time and ideas to develop different projects. Our family club and supper club has been very well attended and we have many opportunities for informal feedback and conversations that shape our next steps.

Our Projects


Toys4you is an integral part of Humnify UK as it provides an opportunity to bridge the gap between the corporate retail with communities

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Community Food Cupboard

Community food cupboard is a groundbreaking initiative that helps people in the community to save money on their food bills.

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After School Family Club

Our key aim is to create opportunities for people to build supportive peer relationships and interact positively with support services and organisations.

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Coffee Mornings

This is setup by 9-10 mums who get together for a cup of coffee which helps in spreading positivity amongst the participants. These sessions help reduce isolation and also helps run skills like food hygiene etc.

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Supper Club

Our activities are aimed at meeting specific needs, primarily connecting resources to those who need it most. Our key aim is to create opportunities for people to build supportive peer relationships and interact positively with support services and organisations.

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